Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/83

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the chateau, instead of this rusty sword, to defend you; though, after all, what would avail my single arm against a whole gang? Heaven help us if they meet us! poor Colin may then go whistle for his horses; though upon recollection my Lady would certainly recompense him for their loss."

"Drop this dreadful subject I entreat you," said Madeline, in a tremulous voice.

"Come cheer up, Mademoiselle (exclaimed Lubin, who was now thoroughly convinced he had alarmed Madeline) we will keep as near as possible to the extremity of the forest, and if we ride fast we shall soon reach the house."

As fast as the intricacies of the path would permit them to go, they went, and at last reached in safety their destined goal.

Here Madeline, who had hitherto with difficulty kept her seat, alighted; but how impossible to describe her disappointment, and the disappointment of her companion, when