Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/92

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"This is no time to ask questions, (replied Lubin) no place I can assure you to answer them; I again repeat it—we must be gone!"

To move was scarcely in the power of Madeline, so much was she overpowered by the terror Lubin's words had given her, she gave him her hand however, and he led her from the hall: but scarcely had they proceeded a few yards down the gateway, 'ere he started, suddenly stopped, and in a low voice exclaimed,

"There are some of them!"

"Gracious heaven! (cried Madeline) what do you mean?"

To repeat her question was unnecessary, for at that instant she beheld two men crossing the court. Lubin now drew, or rather carried her back to the hall, for her tremor had increased to such a degree that she could not stand, and he was compelled to support her upon the seat on which she sunk.