Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/106

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evil spirits are sometimes let loose upon this world, to plague the sons of men, and tempt them to destruction?'

'Heaven forbid I should think so (he replied); the Almighty has declared his creatures never shall be tempted beyond their strength; 'tis not the ministers of darkness, but their own impetuous passions which hurry them to destruction.'

"I started up; 'farewell! (I cried); remember me in your prayers, and bid Geraldine not forget me in her orisons.'

'Whither are you going?' said he.

"To join my brother," replied I.

"No doubt I looked wild. He seized my arm—

'Your brother!' repeated he.

"Yes, to accompany his soul in its flight from this world.—His soul! (I repeated, starting and shrieking aloud with agony) Oh, no! heaven opens to receive his spirit, but the deepest abyss in hell now yawns for mine!"