Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/114

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"As the monk uttered those words, I shrieked aloud—'Oh, God! (I cried), is it possible?—could I be mistaken?—does Philippe live?'

"The monk shook his head; 'would to heaven he did! (said he). But to proceed; the shades of night fell thick around me, and prevented my seeing to any distance; the groans still continued;—in the name of God (cried I), I conjure you, whoever you are, from whom those groans proceed, to speak, and direct me to your assistance.'

'Ah! father (said a voice, which I instantly recollected to be that of Lafroy, your brother's valet) heaven surely sent you hither.'

'Directed by his voice, I went up to him and found him sitting behind a low mound at a little distance from the spot on which I had first heard him. I enquired into the cause of his present situation; he burst into tears—'Ah! father (said he), do you not know what has happened? do you not know of the horrid murder that has been com-