Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/118

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the latter—they may then perhaps suspect the former; there is no knowing how they would act. I shall therefore, as soon as I leave you, inform them that you have been compelled to quit the castle, in order to attend a most particular friend to Italy; this will change the search, should one be made after you.'

"But think you not (cried I), that death would be preferable to a confinement here, which will deprive me of the society of all I love?'

'Your confinement here will not subject you to such a loss (he replied); a constant intercourse can easily be kept up between you and your Geraldine; and every thing that can possibly be brought hither for the purpose of adding to your comfort, shall be conveyed by me; the castle-vaults communicate with those belonging to the monastery—I shall therefore have free access at all times to you.'