Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/175

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"The very minute I arrive at a place of safety, I will write to you," he replied, again embracing her.

Once more Lafroy conjured St. Julian to hasten with him; and, sighing out another adieu, the unhappy father turned from his weeping child. When she could no longer hear his steps from the gallery, she flew to her chamber, and, flinging up the sash, bent from the window to try if she could hear them in the forest; but a cold wind whistled through it, which prevented any other sound than that of its own murmurs from being distinguished; yet, though she could neither see nor hear him, she continued at the window till a sudden light flashing behind her, made her start from it; and, turning round, she beheld one of the female servants.

"I hope I have not frightened your Ladyship (said the girl, courtesying); I have brought you some refreshments from Mrs.