Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/190

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went to one, that in a few days she would be dragged from it by the Marquis.—"By this (he continued), I dare say every plan relative to you and your father is settled; no time, therefore, is to be lost, for if the Marquis and D'Alembert once seize you, to escape will be beyond your power."

"I am ready (cried Madeline), I am ready this moment to fly."

A scarf hung upon the back of a chair, which Lafroy took up and wrapped about her; he then drew her trembling hand under his arm, and with light steps they stole down a flight of back stairs, and through a back court entered the forest.

They proceeded a considerable way through the forest before Lafroy would permit Madeline to slacken her pace for the purpose of asking whither they were now going.