Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/238

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behalf! What part of the house do you inhabit?"

"I am so little acquainted with the house (cried Madeline), that perhaps I may confound one place with another; my chamber is at the end of a great gallery."

"What kind of a chamber is it?"

"'Tis wainscoted, and ornamented with faded portraits."

"Amongst which is there not a remarkable one of a lady in mourning with a drawn dagger?"


"Well, since I know your chamber, I will, if there is a possibility of getting to it, pay you a visit, and tell you of a plan I have thought of for your escape."

Madeline, in an ecstasy of gratitude and hope, caught her hand, and was raising it to her lips, when a sudden, though distant, noise made her drop it.