Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/244

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The fear of Madeline gave way to indignation; her eyes flashed fire; she rose, and looked upon him with scorn.

"And what punishment does the villain merit who forced me to such actions? (she exclaimed). What punishment does he merit who assumes a name but for the purpose of deceiving, who spreads his snares for the friendless and unhappy?"

"You compelled me to assume another name (said he), because you objected to me for bearing that of D'Alembert."

Madeline turned from him with contempt; he followed her.

"Madeline (cried he), let all trifling cease between us: you are, as you have yourself observed, completely in my power; be politic therefore, and no longer reject my overtures."

"Monster! (exclaimed Madeline), do you insult me by still pleading for my hand,