Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/248

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self deceived where I most confided, and drop all resentment; be noble, and give up every intention hostile to my father's peace and mine; restore me to his arms, and suffer us to depart together to some distant spot, where, in security and solitude, we may pass our days;—do this, and receive from me the most solemn assurances of our never disturbing your tranquillity, or uttering an expression which can be unpleasing to you."

D'Alembert raised and pressed her to his heart; she trembled—she resented. "But I am in the grasp of the lion (said she to herself), and I must try by gentleness to disengage myself from it."

"You plead in vain, Madeline (cried he); I have run every risk to secure you, and never will give you up. But while I say this, let me quiet your apprehensions by assuring you, that though solely in my power, I never will make an ungenerous use of that power by using any violence; I will not force