Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/256

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"Again then (said D'Alembert), I bid you farewell! you have yourself provoked your father's fate."

With feelings which can better be conceived than described, Madeline saw him quit the chamber. "He is gone then (said she, as she heard him close the door), he is gone for the ministers of justice!" The dreadful and approaching sufferings of her father rushed to her mind; she saw the torturing rack—she beheld his mangled form upon it—she heard his deep groans, expressive of excruciating agony, and the loud shouts of the rabble mocking his pangs, and applauding the hand which inflicted punishment upon the fratricide.

She shrieked aloud; she flew to the door, but it was fastened on the outside: she called upon D'Alembert; she conjured him to return—to return to assure her he would have mercy upon her father; but she called in vain. She then attempted to force the