Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/261

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"Is there no place of concealment?"


"Nor any fastening to this door?" advancing to the one through which they had entered.

"None, except a weak bolt that could be burst in a moment."

"Then all hope is over (cried Madeline, turning to her father). Oh! God (she continued, looking up to heaven), take me, take me from this scene of horror! let me die within the arms of my father!"—Almost fainting, she sunk upon his breast.

The tumult within and without became every instant more violent; and it was evident that one party surrounded the house for the purpose of guarding every passage, whilst another searched throughout it.

Madeline suddenly started from the arms of her father, and extinguished the light. "Let us go within the recess (cried she); if they