Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/277

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affinity to me is not known, his appearance can excite no suspicion."

"But inhabited as the castle is (said Claude), you cannot, without danger of detection, secrete him long within the cave."

"No (replied Lafroy), I cannot; as soon, therefore, as he regains sufficient strength to enable him to bear the fatigue of the journey, I shall return hither, and with your assistance and Josephe's convey him elsewhere."

This cruel scheme, which doomed the unfortunate Philippe to worse than death, to lingering misery, was put into practice without farther hesitation; and Claude was then dispatched for Blanche, who waited impatiently to commence her journey with him to Paris.

No sooner was D'Alembert informed of the death of Philippe, than he devised a scheme for the destruction of Lausane. This, it may be supposed, he meant easily to effect