Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/279

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Alps, with his emissaries; and he was the person who alarmed the good monk so much by declaring his intention of searching every where for Lausane. The story invented in consequence of that declaration, completely frustrated his designs; and he returned not a little delighted to his home, at the idea of Death's having proved such a friend to him, by freeing him both from the trouble and danger of putting Lausane out of the way himself. With him died away all apprehension of detection, and all fears of disappointment relative to the estates of Montmorenci; and his dissipation, in consequence of the certainty of his expectations being realized, was unbounded.

Lafroy still remained in the service of the Marquis, who felt strongly attached to him from an idea of his having been a faithful and affectionate servant to his son. That unfortunate son recovered from his wound; and, as soon as he was able to bear a removal, was conveyed in the dead of the night by Josephe,