Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/41

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betray. You have always, I hope, found me, in every sense of the word, a parent: you should therefore have restrained your apprehensions, by being convinced I never would urge you to an act directly contrary to your inclinations. But whilst I give this assurance, I also declare that I will not, by rejecting every overture which may be made for your hand, sanction your attachment to an object who ought long since to have been forgotten."

"I solemnly declare (cried Madeline, clasping her hands together), that my repugnance to the union you have proposed, proceeds not entirely from the attachment you allude to."

"From what other cause (demanded St. Julian), can it proceed? you cannot have conceived a dislike against a man you never saw."

"'Tis true (replied Madeline), I know not the person of D'Alembert, but, I am acquainted with his character." She then briefly related all she had heard concerning