Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/43

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"But why let that choice devolve upon an object he had never beheld?" asked Madeline.

"Because a prepossession had been excited in her favour by the eulogiums of his wife; and he entreated his father to hasten to the castle, in order to pave the way for his addresses," St. Julian replied.

"Oh, my father (cried Madeline), I trust you will not delay declaring my utter repugnance to those addresses."

"Depend on me, my love (he said), for taking the earliest opportunity of informing D'Alembert they never can be successful: your grandfather, I hope, will be equally inclined to let you reject them."

"My grandfather! (repeated Madeline); was he then consulted on the subject?"

"So I understand from D'Alembert, and that he highly approved of the projected alliance: he wishes to have the fortunes of the family united."

"The fortunes of the family! (Madeline repeated); and are such the considerations