Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/68

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With the quickness of lightning he snatched it from the ground: but scarcely had his eye glanced on it, ere he let it fall; and, turning with a death-like countenance to her, demanded, in a faltering voice—from whence, or from whom she had got it?

"From D'Alembert," replied the almost fainting Madeline.

"From him! (repeated St. Julian, striking his breast, and starting); Oh, heavens! by what means did it come into his possession?"

"I know not," said Madeline.

"But you know the fearful story with which it is connected."

"Oh, my father! (cried Madeline), do not question me."

"This instant (exclaimed he in a frantic manner, advancing to her, and grasping her hands), declare what D'Alembert said; without hesitation, without equivocation, let me know all he told you."

"Oh, my father! (said Madeline sinking on her knees), do not be thus agitated."