Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/87

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is then to keep him there till my lady is recovered, and the child sent out of the way, whom he has promised to provide for.'

"How shall I describe the feelings that rose in my soul (proceeded St. Julian), as I listened to this horrible narrative? Not a doubt could I entertain of its authenticity; every recollected circumstance—the sudden friendship of my brother, notwithstanding the prejudices instilled into his mind against me by his father—the ready compliance of Lady Geraldine with my wishes, notwithstanding the short time we had been acquainted, and her knowing that I was an outcast from the house which should have sheltered me,—altogether proved that I was a dupe to the most perfidious art.

"Yes (I exclaimed within myself), my credulous nature has been imposed upon; and those whom I most loved, most trusted, have undone me. In the language of a poet of a sister country I might have said—