Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/91

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I would assist him in punishing his perfidious brother.'

"I extended my hand. I accept your proffered services (cried I); not to punish my deceiver, but to trace out for me every minute particular of his guilt, ere my vengeance falls upon him.

"He accordingly accompanied me to the Alps. We travelled with almost incredible expedition, and the second evening I found myself near that spot which but the day before I had thought of as a paradise. Unable to support the sight of it, I stopped, and, seating myself in the cavity of a rock, desired Claude to proceed, and gather what particulars he could from Blanche concerning the visit of the Count; charging him, at the same time, carefully to conceal my return from her, also my knowledge of the base deceit which had been practised on me, lest her regard for her mistress should make her inform her of the whole, and thus, in all probability, by putting her and my betrayer upon their guard, baffle the revenge I meant to take—a revenge