Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 4).djvu/95

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and looked back, as if, inspired by some prophetic spirit, he was bidding what he knew would be a last adieu to the mansion he had quitted. As he drew near, I saw his cheek was pale, and the traces of tears upon it:—tears, said I, which he has shed over his Geraldine, at the relation of the dangers she has passed.

"When he was within a yard of my concealment, I sprung out. He started back astonished, and surveyed me for a minute with that kind of expression which seemed to say he could scarcely credit the evidence of his eyes; then approaching me with extended arms, he exclaimed, 'Ah, my brother! what—'

"I interrupted him; 'I disclaim the title (cried I, stepping up to him, and rudely seizing his arm); villain! I am well acquainted with thy perfidy; and this to thy heart to reward thee for it!'"

Madeline at those words instinctively caught hold of her father. She panted for