Page:Clouds without Water (Crowley, 1909).djvu/162

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XI. 1. Only Nothing is. — There is much metaphysical nonsense culled from German Atheistic philosophy, in these poems. A wicked philosopher is far more dangerous than a mere voluptuary.
10. Doomisday. — An affected archaism for the Day of Judgment. How can the writer dare to speak of this great day, on which he shall be damned for ever? "For he that believeth not is condemned already."
XII. 6. Mother. — Nature. How true would be these striking words, if only for "the love-taught magus, the hermaphrodite" with all its superstition, blasphemy, and obscenity, one were to write "The Christ-saved sinner, brought into the light".
XV. 10. The arcanum in the adytum. — More classical affectation for "the secret thing in the holy place".
I. 8. Savonarola. — An ascetic Florentine doctor.
V. 1-6. For a good modern account of vampires and their habits, consult Mr Bram Stoker's Dracula.
IX. 3. Kriss. — The Malayan dagger.