Page:Co-operative housekeeping.djvu/106

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Co-operative housekeeping

of rights between the all-powerful and the all-weak. Like the international relation between the United States and the Indians, it could only be a sham and a mockery, a political lie, and therefore containing the seeds of political disease and death. Let us have some self-respect. We have not tried yet to influence the world as women; why, then, should we demand to do it as men? Should the former fail, it will be time then for the latter. But the fundamental difference between the sexes is not that men have "rights" and women have none. It is that men are organized among themselves while women are not, and the very fact that we are begging them for rights shows that they are not rights at all, but favours. Therefore I would rather take my stand on that which, as they have not given, so they could hardly take away,—on the solidarity of our sex,—on the moral weight of a united womanhood.

And, in truth, is there not brute force enough in the world already? Why should we aspire to be the governing power of society instead of its ameliorating influence? Too long has that poor, obstinate traveller, Humanity, been blown upon by the gusts of arrogant authority from this quarter and from that. Let us try, rather, what the sweet sunshine of truth can do with him. Smiling, let us hold up a mirror before his passion-ploughed and tear-stained face, instead of clamouring for a seat among the rulers whose one idea is to lash him into the image of his Creator,—for so shall we make him much more anxious to fashion himself after the Divine beauty.

Some such gentle and gracious attitude as this, it seems to me, would better befit women in regard to public affairs, than that actual taking sides aud fighting in the battles of the political arena, to which the exercise of manhood suffrage would compel us. Should we ever assume it, however, we should never lose sight of the fact that our feminine legislatures, having no material force to back them, and pretending to no authority, must rest all their hopes of respect and influence upon the excellence of their suggestions. Their functions in the world will be mainly those