Page:Co-operative housekeeping.djvu/111

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Co-operative housekeeping

co-operative housekeeping would shine the brightest. Some of these nurses will, no doubt, be ladies who love the work for its own sake, and it would be well if each congregation represented in the association could have one or two of such Nursing Sisters, as they might be called, trained and ready to their pastor's need. The pillow of many a poor sufferer is stuffed with thorns, as she reflects on the dirt and waste that may be running riot down stairs in her absence, or on the discomfort that may be added to the anxieties of the husband whom she loves. In co-operation, however, neither sickness nor health would make any difference in the clock-like workings of the great domestic machine. The Sisters would be trained not only in nursing, but in family management and the care of children, so that in case no relative of a sick mother could be called upon, her little ones would still be attended to. And I really think one angelic office of the co-operative kitchen would be the preparation of food for the sick. What exquisite delicacies would be sent in to tempt the fainting appetite! What wines and cordials would there be within the reach of all! and when the patient grew better, how easy to give her the needed daily ride in the carriage that would be kept by the association especially for its invalids!


A kindred and indeed necessarily associate spirit with the heads of the charitable and health departments will be the president of the co-operative boards of education. This lady will probably be chosen for her luminous mind and extensive reading,[1] and all the women teachers within the circle of the association, and all who have been teachers, will sit on the board with her. Their duty will be to discuss text-books, the methods of study, the systems and requirements of schools, public and private, and to make known their conclusions to the mothers of the association.

  1. I would say "thorough scholarship," but that as yet we have so very few scholars among us.