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Co-operative housekeeping

right" to the American manhood suffrage, nor any right at all, until he acquire it by purchase, gift, or conquest from the supreme American authority. It is the same with education. The whole realm of knowledge has been reclaimed and cultivated by men alone; it is they who have founded and sustained the great institutions of learning. Certainly, then, they, and not we, have a "right" to say who shall enter them, and if we wish to reap intellectually where we have not sown, why should we not be willing to pay for the privilege what indeed would be but a trifling sum, compared with all that men have expended in the gigantic labour! I would as soon think of demanding as a "right" that the miner, who with toil and struggle had hewn out the golden ore while I stood nerveless by, should halve it with me, as of claiming a right of entrance into the universities for women; nay, sooner, by as much as wisdom is more precious than gold. Compared with education the vote is a trifle indeed, as many of us realize in our minds cramped on every side by ignorance of the things we would so gladly have known, had we been permitted "to go to college." But still we were deprived of a liberal education as much by the supineness of our own sex as by the illiberality of the other. Had women at large possessed any generous love, or faith in, knowledge for its own sake, the rich among them might long ago have founded professorships and scholarships in the universities for the culture of the sex. As for the "female seminary," and every development and outgrowth of it, I abhor it. To begin with, where can professors be obtained for it? for there are no college-bred women, and men of the first rank will not accept the chairs in a "female college." Even could they be found, however, the intellectual results of such an institution would be as unsatisfactory as are the present moral and æsthetical results of those composed exclusively of men. The highest development and prosperity of humanity in any direction cannot consist with the divorce of the sexes. In truth, it almost makes one laugh to see Harvard, for example, congratulating herself that she is