Page:Cole, Henry - A hand-book to Hampton Court.djvu/10

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In visiting the State Apartments the public are required to enter at the King's Staircase, and to go out at the Queen's Staircase. To prevent obstruction, no one is allowed to return by the way by which he came.

Umbrellas, parasols, sticks, and parcels of every description must be left at the King's Staircase. Any person found in the apartments with any of the above articles will be required to return to the above place to deposit them.

Any articles left and unclaimed by 10 p.m., will be forwarded to the owners on their sending the duplicate ticket, with their address, to the Superintendent.

The public are requested not to touch the Pictures.

Smoking is strictly prohibited.

The State Apartments are open to the public on every day in the year except Fridays (when they are closed for the purpose of being cleaned) and Christmas Day. The hours are from 10 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock in the evening, from the 1st of April to the 30th of September, and the remainder of the year from 10 until 4, except on Sundays, when the Palace opens at 2 o'clock throughout the year. The grounds are open until 8 o'clock in summer, and until dusk during the remainder of the year.

This book is sold in the Palace at Hampton Court by permission of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works, &c, &c, and can be obtained in the State Apartments.