Page:Collection of notable things worth knowing.pdf/14

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The oily substance gradually involving as the bone calcines, makes a more substantial manure than almost any other substance, particularly human bones. It is now ascertained beyond a doubt, by actual experiments upon an eXtensive scale, that a dead soldier is a most valuable article of commerce; and, for aught known to the contrary, the good farmers of Yorkshire are, in a great measure, indebted to the bones of their children for their daily bread. It is certainly a singular fact, that Great Britain should have sent out such multitudes of soldiers to fight the battles of this country upon the continent of Europe, and should then import their bones as an article of commerce to fatten her soil!!


A gentleman passing through the streets of Newcastle, about twenty years ago, was called in by a shopkeeper, who acknowledged himself indebted to him to the amount of a guinea. The gentleman much astonished, inquired how this was, as he had no recollection of the circumstance. The shopkeeper replied, that about twenty years before, as the gentleman’s wife was crossing the river Tyne in a boat which he was in, she accidentally dropt half-a-guinea, as she took out her money to pay the fare. The shopkeeper, who had a family at home literally starving, snatched up the half-guinea. He had since been prosperous in the world, and now seized the first opportunity, since his good fortune, of paying the money with interest.