Page:Collection of notable things worth knowing.pdf/18

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the best pig tail—pound pig-tail will do and am short of shirts, Dear Tom, as for shirts only took two whereof one is quite worn out, tuther most, but dont forget the pig-tail, as I had not a quid to chor, never since Thursday—Dear Tom, as for shirts your size will do only longer—I like um long—get one at present, best at Tower hill, and cheap—but be particular to go to seven diles for the pig-tail at the black boy and Her Tom acts for Pound best pig-tail, and let it be good—Captain’s boy will put pig-tail in his pocket he likes pig-tail, so ty it up—Dear Tom, shall be up about Monday or thereabouts. Not so particular for the shirt, as the present can be washed but dont forget the pig-tail without fail, so am your loving brother.

"T. P.

“P. S.—Dont forget the pig-tail.”

dogs and cats.

M. Sonini, in his “Travels in Egypt,” informs us that dogs are, in that country, objects of peculiar abhorrence. They are never permitted to enter the dwelling of a Mahommedan; and, if one is found in a mosque, he is immediately put to death. In consequence of this excommunication from the society which this animal seems instinctively disposed to cultivate, the Egyptian dogs live for the most part in the open air, feeding upon garbage and any other filth that chance throws in their way. Yet they are