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bar, on the most efficient remedy for the drouthy consequences of sacrificing too freely to a certain tunbellied deity. "The most sovereign specific that has ever been invented," said a cockney traveller, "is a pretty stiffish glass of brandy and vater." To this an Edinburgh scribe gave the lie implied, by substituting ginger beer for the traveller's water. Some recommended brown soup—some mock turtle—others launched out in the praises of Barclay, Perkins, and Co.—while a few ventured to say some feeble things in favour of the produce of Edinburgh, Alloa, or Auchtertool. Saunders Duthie frae Aberdeen, listened with patience until Amen, when suddenly he exclaimed (like a being inspired), "Ye may crack o' yere brown soops an' yere bran'y, yere mock turtles an yere ginger beer, an yere porter an' yill tee, but de'il hae me gin ever I got ony thing for a scowdered stamack like a gude clyte o' caul cail."

waste of war.

The following is a statement of ammunition, &c. expended on board his Majesty's ship, Albion, in the action with the Turkish fleet at Navarin, on the 20th of October:—Powder, 7 tons; round shot, 52 tons; grape and canister, 54 cases; musket ball, 5,000; pistol ball, 2,000, pistol ball, in bags, 2,000; and iron crow bars, 6.