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a sceptre; and its head represented a golden sun. The space between the two feet was 109 yards; and two men could scarce, with extended arms embrace its thumb. After having stood 76 years, it was overturned by an earthquake, and though the Rhodians collected from the various Grecian states a prodigious sum to defray the expenses of repairing it, the money was embezzled, and the image was suffered to lie on the ground for upwards of 900 years, when the Sarcens took the city, and sold it as old brass to a Jew, who loaded nearly 1000 camels with it. It weighed 720,000lbs. avoirdupois. This wonderful work was made by Clares, a native of Rhodes, who was 12 years in completing it. Just on the spot where the feet stood, a castle on one side, and a tower on the other were erected, and are standing there at present. The modern Christians of the island are very poor, and are not allowed to live within the walls of the city; which privilege is granted to the Jews. The principal manufactures are soap, tapestry, and camlets; but the city is a mart for all commodities made in the Levant. Yet Rhodes is kept merely in opposition to the Christians, as it does not remit any thing to the Grand Vizer, the Turkish Bashaw being allowed the whole of its revenues to maintain the gallies and himself.