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companion, who had continued during all this time in his painful position. They let down the cord they had contrived to make, and which the poor fellow fastened round his body: but oh, horror! at the very moment they had pulled him up to the brink of the precipice, the rope broke, the wretched man fell a second time into the yawning gulph; and to add to his misfortune, broke his arm. His comrades, however, joined the rope, twisted it to make it stronger, and threw it again to their companion, who, notwithstanding the fracture of his arm, fastened it round him, and was at length extricated from his most perilous situation.

turkish manners, described by a lady.

From some of the windows I look across that harbour called the Golden Horn by the ancients, and from others can see the sea of Marmora, the islands therein, and a part of the Seraglio; from mine, I saw yesterday, the Sultan sitting on a silver sofa, while his boats, and many of the people who were to accompany him, were lining the banks of the garden. A magnificent sight, as they are of a light shape, gilt, and painted very beautifully. We had a large telescope, and saw the Ottoman splendour very distinctly. The sultan dyes his beard black, to give himself a young look, and he is known at a considerable distance by that, which contrasts singularly with his face, that is extremely