Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 01.djvu/458

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AZTECS 368 AZTECS were regarded as free. Although igno- rant of the horse, ox, etc., they had con- siderable knowledge of agriculture, maize cord events they used an unsolved hiero- glyphic writing, and their lunar cal- endars were of unusual accuracy. Two special deities claimed their reverence. AZTEC ALTAR PIECE IN THE TEMPLE AT PALENQUE HINTZILOPOCHTLI, AZTEC GOD OF WAR Hintzilopochtli, the god of war, propi- and the agave being the chief produce, tiated with human sacrifices; and Quet- Silver, lead, tin, and copper were ob- zalcoatl, the beneficent god of light and tained from mines, and gold from the air, with whom at first the Aztecs were AZTEC PALACE AT MITLA, MEXICO surface of river beds, but iron was disposed to identify Cortez. Their unknown to them, their tools being of temples, with large, terraced, pyramidal bronze and obsidian. In metal-work, bases, were in charge of an exceedingly feather-work, weaving and pottery they large priesthood, with whom lay the edu- possessed a high degree of skill. To re- cation of the young. As a civilization