Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 02.djvu/179

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f BR AVI 157 BBAZIL weekly and monthly periodicals. Pop. Area and Popnlation. — The total area (1910) 6,517; (1920) 7,324. of Brazil is 3,280,900 square miles, ex- ._,^ ,, .., -V ,, i? 1 ceeding by 250,000 square miles the BRAVI (bra've), the name formerly ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ United States, excluding given in Italy, and particularly in Alaska. There are 20 states, one terri- Venice to those who were ready to hire ^ory and one federal district. In 1900 themselves out to perform any desper- ^^^ ^^^^^^ g^^^jl ^ population of ate undertaking. The word had the 17,371 069. The estimated population in same signification m Spam, and both 1917 ^,^^ 27,473,579. This includes the word and the persons designated by ^bout 600,000 Indians in the Amazon re- it were found m France in the reign of j^^ ^he largest cities are: Rio de Louis XIII. and during the minority of Janeiro, 975,818; Sao Paulo, 450,000; Louis XIV. Bahia, 348,130; Belem, 275,167, and BRAVURA, an air requiring great Pernambuco, 216,484. The number of skill and spirit in its execution, each immigrants in 1918 was 20,501. Excep- syllable being divided into several notes, tional advantages are offered by the It is distinguished from a simple mel- government to immigrants in order to ody by the introduction of florid pas- develop the potential wealth of the sages, a style of both music and execu- country. tion designed to task the abilities of the Topography. — Its seaboard, about 4,- artist. 500 miles long, beginning about 200 BRAXY, a disease in sheep. This «ii^es to the N. of the mouth of the term is frequently applied to totally dif- Amazon reaches to withm the same dis- ferent disorders, but the true braxy is ^^nce of the mouth of the Plata and undoubtedly an intestinal affection, at- Projects into the Atlantic fully 1,000 tended with diarrhoea and retention of "i^I^s to the E. of the direct line be- the urine. Young sheep are apt to gorge *wee" its two extremes. Among the themselves with grass, turnips, etc.; chief physical features are the enor- this produces a kind of colic, which IZJo^s valleys of the Amazon the Sao usually ends in death. Again, when a Francisco, and the Plata. Brazil has lean flock of sheep is placed suddenly Practically no mountain ranges. The on rich food, or on coarse pasture of an so-cahed ranges of Serra do Mar and indigestible nature, the results may Serra da Mantiqueira are merely par- prove fatal. In both cases the sheep allel steps leading from the seaboard to are said to die of braxy. *^e interior , Plateau, which occupies nearly one-half of the area of the coun- BRAY, a small English parish, near try S. of the Amazon and E. of the Maidenhead, Berkshire, of which Simon Plata. The highest point in the country Aleyn was vicar from 1540 to 1588, dur- is the Itatiaia peak, in the Mantiqueira ing the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward system, 8,900 feet. There are no large VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. He kept his interior lakes. The Lagoa dos Patos vicarage by changing his faith accord- and Lagoa Mirim, in the state of Rio ing to that of the State for the time Grande do Sul, lie along the coast and being, becoming a Protestant with measure respectively over 200 and 150 Henry, Catholic again in the reign of miles in length and 80 and 40 miles in Mary, and Protestant again on the ac- breadth. They are navigable by small cession of Elizabeth. His principle was seagoing steamers. The chief water- to live and die Vicar of Bray, and to ways are the mighty Amazon {q. v.) it he adhered. with its numerous tributaries, the Sao ■nuA-w T • 1. 'J J. ^1 Francisco, the Uruguay, the Parana, • ^ u-T ' ^" .'^ seaside town, partly ^nd the Paraguay, the union of these m Dublin county, but chiefly m Wick- th^ee constituting the Plata proper, low, 13 miles S. E. of Dublin oy rail, ^j^i^h runs through Argentine and The beauty of its situation has raised Uruguayan territory to the Atlantic. It from a small fishing village to a Qn the S. E. coast there are many ex- watering-place, popularly known as the ^ellent landlocked harbors, but the en- irisn Brighton. ^j^^ j^ g ^^^^^ j^as very few, most of BRAZIL, UNITED STA':.'ES OF, a the ports being at the mouths of the former empire, but, since 1889, a Re- rivers. Besides numerous islands close public of South America; bounded on to the land, among which are conspicu- the E. by the Atl^tic Ocean, and on ous Marajo in tke mouth of the Amazon, the N., W., and S. by all the other an island nearly as large as Great South American Republics except Chile Britain, Itamaraca in the state of and Ecuador; length, from N. to S., over Bahia, Ilha Grande in that of Rio de 2,600 miles; extreme breadth, about 2,700 Janeiro, and Santa Catharina in the miles; capital, Rio de Janeiro. state of the same name, Brazil has only 11— Vol. II— cyc