Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 02.djvu/262

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BULGARIA 230 BULGARIA by the Black Sea, and on the W. by an insurrection which led to the Russo- Serbia and Greece. Before the World Turkish war, at the conclusion of which War it had an area of 43,320 square Bulgaria was made a separate princi- miles and a population of 4,467,000 pality, although still subject in a limited people, made up chiefly of Bulgarians, degree to Turkey. Alexander of Bat- but including also Turks, Rumanians, tenberg, a German prince, was made Greeks, Serbs and other nationalities, sovereign of Bulgaria, but, after a The capital is Sofia, with a populatiotl stormy reign and a war with Serbia, of 103,000. was compelled to abdicate Sept. 9, 1886. Comvierce and Finances.— Seventy His successor was Prince Ferdinand per cent, of the people are engaged in ^l Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who assumed agriculture, and the majority of them *"^ throne July 7, 1887. He inaugurated are small freeholders. The chief prod- ^ strong anti-Russian pohcy, which uct is wheat, though fruits and vege- 7^^ dictated largely by hatred of Serbia, tables are very abundant and roses are ^^ , 1912-1913 Bulgaria, m connection cultivated for the production of the at- ^ith other Balkan states, made war tar of roses, which forms an important ^^, Turkey, but as a resuh of quar- article of commerce. Tobacco is also l^^ between the members oi the con- raised and wine is produced in large federacy Bulgaria was shorn of a large quantities. There are many coal mines Part of the territory which she claimed and stone quarries. The principal in- ^, ^he spoils of war. (See Balkan dustries are carpets, hosiery, woolen and Yt^^K ^^'^ ^^^* her_ sullen and resent- cotton goods and ribbons. In the year *"} and was a moving cause of her preceding the war the total state rev- ^ntry into the World War on the side enue was $51,399,000 and the national o^J^^^ Central Powers, debt $231,496,540. The imports in 1914 ^.^"^?f "^ /°^,^"y entered the World were valued at $44,586,860, the exports ^ar Oct 5, 1915. For many months $28 813 372 -^ ' > » *- previous her adhesion had been sought J ' ■ ^ _,, , , by both parties to the conflict. Each Government— The government is a had made her substantial offers of terri- constitutional monarchy. King Boris torial and other advantages. For some Jni i w.*^o,^cceded to the throne Oct. 4, months prior to the actual declaration 1918, IS the present ruler. Legislative of war it had been evident that the authority is vested m a single chamber offers of the Teutonic Powers out- whose representatives are chosen at the weighed those of the Entente, and, as a rate of one to every twenty thousand of matter of fact, a secret treaty had been the population. Men over thirty are signed between Bulgaria, Germany, eligible as members. Elections are held Austria, and Turkey about July 17, 1915. every four years. There is a cabinet of Soon after this, Bulgaria began mobillz- eight members appointed by the king. jng, and Serbia, who had no doubt as to Religion. — The national religion Is what the mobilization portended, asked that of the orthodox Greek church, but permission of her Allies to attack Bul- ls not organically connected with that garia at once and thus gain the ad- body. Twenty-five per cent, of the popu- vantage of the initial onset. This per- lation are Mohammedans, Jews, Roman mission was refused, on the tenuous hope Catholics, Protestants, and Armenians that Bulgaria might at least be held to while the remainder belong to the na- neutrality. By October 3, however, the tional church. Education is free and presence of German and Austrian offi- compulsory, and the university of Sofia, cers in the Bulgarian War Ministry and the chief institution of the kind in the army — the financial support being ac- kingdom, is coeducational. For so cepted from the Central Powers — and small a nation there are a creditable the concentration of Bulgarian troops number of technical schools, museums, in the zone bordering on Serbia so and free libraries. clearly foreshadowed the country's wlti- History. — The Bulgarians were origi- mate action that Russia addressed an nally of Tartar origin. Their settlement ultimatum to the Bulgarian Government, on the Volga dates back to the 4th giving it twenty-four hours to declare century. On the adoption of Christian- its intentions. The latter accepted the ity in the 9th century the Slavic and challenge defiantly and promptly moved Tartar elements were amalgamated into against Serbia. At the same time it the one race of Bulgarians. In 1018 issued a manifesto to its own people Bulgaria fell under the control of the declaring that Germany was certain to Byzantine empire. She regained her win the war and that it behooved Bul- independence for a short period in the garia to be on the side of the victors. 12th and 13th centuries, but in 1390 The aims of the Entente were declared was conquered by the Turks. The to be purely selfish and antagonistic to atrocities of the latter in 1876 provoked Bulgaria's interests. Russia, it stated.