Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 03.djvu/225

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cox 181 COX The flowers are sedative and diaphoretic. They make a pleasant soporific wine, COX, ISAAC JOSLIN, an American educator, born in West Creek, Ocean co., N, J., in 1873. He graduated from Dartmouth College, engaged in research work in Mexico for several years and took post-graduate studies at the Uni- versity of Texas and the University of Chicago. After serving on the faculties of several colleges and universities he be- came professor of history of Northwest- ern University in 1919. He was a mem- ber of many historical societies and the author of "The Journeys of La Salle and His Companions" (1905); "The Early Exploration of Louisiana" (1906) ; "The West Florida Controversy, 1798-1813" (1918). He contributed historical ar- ticles to several encyclopaedias, and in 1919 was a member of the Doheny Re- search Foundation in Mexico. COX, JACOB DOLSON, an American soldier; born in Montreal, Oct. 27, 1828; was graduated at Oberlin in 1851, becom- ing a lawyer; but upon the outbreak of the Civil War was made Brigadier-Gen- eral of Ohio Volunteers. In 1862 he be- came Major-General of United States Volunteers, and in 1864 commanded a division at Nashville. He was elected governor of Ohio in 1865, and in 1869 be- came Secretary of the Interior in Presi- dent Grant's cabinet. He died in Magno- lia, Mass., Aug. 4, 1900. COX, JAMES MIDDLETON, an Amer- ican public official, born in Jacksonburg, 0., in 1870. He was the son of Gilbert and Eliza A. Cox. His father was a farmer and his early days were spent at Jacksonburg on his father's farm. His first schooling was obtained in the coun- try schools of the neighborhood, but he later removed to Middletowp, where he again attended the village school. For several years he taught school and at the same time wrote for the local newspa- pers. Removing to Cincinnati, he be- came a reporter on the staff of the "Inquirer," and during this service he made the acquaintance of Paul J. Sorg, a wealthy tobacco manufacturer, and when the latter was elected to Congress, Cox became his private secretary. Fol- lowing the conclusion of this service, he purchased the Dayton "News" of Dayton, O., and, with Mr. Sorg's help, built it up until it was a very profitable enterprise. Five years later he purchased the Springfield, O., "Press Republic." These two papers formed the news league of Ohio. In 1908 he was elected to Con- gress, and on the expiration of his term, was re-elected. He served on the Com- tnittee of Appropriations and gained the conviction of the necessity of a budget system for the State and Nation. Dur- ing his second term in Congress, he was nominated for governor of Ohio, and, after an aggressive campaign, was elected. At the same time there was adopted a new State constitution and in connection with the application of this instrument, Governor Co« inaugurated many reforms of his own, including a model rural school measure, and reforms relating to taxation and financial reform. At the expiration of his first term, he JAMES M. COX retired from public office, having been defeated, but he was re-elected again in 1916 and again in 1918. His administra- tion of the office of governor was notable. In addition to the measures noted above, he put into effect the Workmen's Com- pensation Law, Mothers' Pension Law, Child Labor Law, and the Budget Law. His administration attracted wide atten- tion and he became one of the strongest candidates for the Democratic nomina- tion for the presidency in 1920. He was nominated on the 44th ballot at the con- vention at San Francisco, on July 6th. Following his nomination he at once be- gan an aggressive campaign of speech- making throughout the country, and, from this time until Nov. 2, visited nearly every State in the Union. He was defeated by Senator Harding, the Repub- lican candidate, and at once resumed his