Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 07.djvu/221

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cludes ornamentations at the Rochester County Club, and in Randolph Hall, Cambridge, Mass. His illustrated works include: “Holland Sketches”; and “Spanish Sketches.”

PENFIELD, FREDERIC COURTLAND. Author and diplomat. Born in Connecticut, 1855, and after completing his education in England and Germany, became in 1885 vice-consul general at London. He later served in Egypt as American consul-general, and in 1913 was appointed by President Wilson ambassador to Austria-Hungary. There he remained in charge of United States affairs until the severance of diplomatic relations in 1917. During the period of American neutrality (1914-1917) he took care of the interests in Austria-Hungary of several of the belligerents.


PENGUIN, a name first given to the great auk (Alca impennis), but now applied to any member of the family Sphæniscidæ. Penguins are aquatic birds confined to the high S. latitudes of both hemispheres, where they congregate in large flocks. The body is generally elliptical; neck of moderate length; head small; bill moderately long, straight, compressed; tail short. They have no quills in their wings, which are as rigid as the flippers of a cetacean, and utterly useless for flight, though they move freely at the shoulder-joint, forming most efficient paddles, and are usually worked alternately with a rotatory motion. They make no nests, and lay a single egg, which is tended by both birds, and the female takes charge of the young for nearly 12 months. The emperor penguin is Aptenodytes patagonica, and the king penguin A. longirostris. Their molting is very peculiar. The flipper-like wings cast off short scale-like feathers; they flake off like the shedding of the skin of a serpent.


In botany, the broad-leaved pineapple, Bromelia pinguin, of which penguin is a corruption. It is very common in Jamaica, where it is planted as a fence around pasture lands, on account of its prickly leaves. When stripped of their pulp, soaked in water, and beaten with a wooden mallet, they yield a fiber whence thread is made. The juice of the fruit in water makes a good cooling drink in fevers.

PENICILLIUM, in botany, a genus of hyphomycetous fungi. It consists of a dense, pasty crust, slimy below and above, consisting of minute pedicels, terminating in a pencil of moniliform spores. One, P. glaucum, is green mold.