Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 07.djvu/278

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PHILIP 222 PHILIP tory of the Portuguese at Villaviciosa, In the early summer Philip's squaw and in June, 1665. This last of the long little son were captured, and sold as series of losses and calamities broke slaves for the West Indies; and Aug. Philip's heart, and he died in September 12, 1676, at midnight, he and his re- of the same year. maining followers were surprised by PHILIP v., Duke of Anjou, the second Capt. Benjamin Church. Philip was son of Louis, dauphin of France, and slam and his head cut otf. Mary Anne of Bavaria; born in 1683, as- sumed the title of King of Spain in 1700, PHILIP THE BOLD, Duke of Bur- by virtue of the will of Charles II. His gundy; born in 1342, was the fourth son claim, however, was contested by the of John, King of France. He fought at house of Austria, in favor of the Arch- Poitiers (1356), where, according to duke Charles. This introduced the great Froissart, he acquired the surname of War of the Spanish Succession, in which the Bold. He shared his father's captiv- Austria was supported against France ity in England, and on his return his and Spain by England, Holland, Savoy, father made him Duke of Touraine, gave Portugal, and Prussia. The beginning him the Duchy of Burgundy, and made of this war was very disastrous to him premier peer of France. During Philip, who lost Aragon, Gibraltar, and the insanity of Charles VI. he acted as the islands of Minorca and Majorca, also regent, retaining the regency till his Sardinia and the kingdom of Naples, death in 1404. The victories of the Duke de Vendome, and those of Marshal Villars in Flan- PHILIP THE GOOD, Duke of Bur- ders, confirmed Philip on the throne, gundy, one of the most powerful sover- and restored peace to Europe by the eigns of his time, son of John "Sans treaty of Utrecht, in 1713. The war Peur"; born in Dijon, in 1396. He suc- was renewed in 1717, and the Spanish ceeded on the assassination of the duke, fleet was defeated in the Mediterranean his father, 1419, and at once formed an by Sir George Byng. Peace was re- alliance with Henry V. of England, and stored in 1720, after which Philip be- joined in the treaty of Troyes, which de- came a victim to confirmed melancholy, clared Henry regent and heir of France, and in 1724 abdicated the throne to his He fought on the English side for sev- son Louis, and retired to a monastery, eral years, and gave his sister Anne in Louis died a few months after of the marriage to the Duke of Bedford. But smallpox, and Philip was compelled to jealousy and dissension arose, and Philip resume the government. His subsequent abandoned the English alliance, and his conduct was characterized by greater reconciliation with Charles VII. of spirit and judgment. In 1733, he en- France was effected at the great Con- tered into an alliance with France gress of Arras, 1435, attended by legates against the emperor, and his son Don of the Pope and the Council of Basle. Carlos conquered Sicily and Naples, of He had married in 1430, for his third which he became king. In 1736 peace wife, Isabella of Portugal, in whose was concluded; but a new war broke honor he instituted the Order of the out in 1739. He died in 1746. Golden Fleece. Philip extended his do- minions by the conquest of Brabant, PHILIP, the sachem of the Wampa- Holland, and Hainault. Some towns re- noag tribe of Indians, was the second volted and Dinant was besieged, son of Massasoit, who for nearly 40 stormed, burnt to ashes, and all its in- years had been the first and staunchest habitants massacred, Philip being pres- ally of the Pilgrim settlers of Plymouth, ent. He died in Bruges, June 15, 1467, and had obtained English names for and was succeeded by his son, Charles his two sons. In 1661 Philip succeeded the Bold, his brother, and formally renewed the treaties of his father, which he kept PHILIP I., THE MAGNANIMOUS, for some years. By 1671, however, Landgrave of Hesse; born in 1504. He goaded by the encroachments of the began to reign at the age of 14, and in- whites, he had formed a confederation troduced the Lutheran religion into of tribes aggregating nearly 10,000 war- Hesse in 1526. In 1527 he founded the riorsj and in 1675 what is known as University of Marburg, submitted the King Philip's War broke out. On the Confession of Faith at Augsburg in 1530, Indian side it was a war of surprises and in 1531 formed with the Protestant and massacres — 13 towns were destroyed, princes the Schmalkalden League. The and 600 colonists slain. In December, Emperor Charles V. in 1547, kept him a 1675, Governor Winslow and a force of prisoner for five years. After his re- 1,000 men burned the great fort of the turn he sent a body of auxiliaries to as- Narragansetts, slew 600 warriors, and sist the French Huguenots. He died in massacred 1,000 women and children. 1567.