Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 08.djvu/20

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RESURRECTION RETROGRADE points involved in the doctrine as re- vealed in the New Testament: (1) The resurrection of the dead is ascribed to Christ Himself; it will complete His work of redemption for the human race (John v: 21; I Cor. xv: 22 sq.; I Thess. iv:14; Rev. 1:18). (2) All the dead will be raised indiscriminately to receive judgment according to their works, "they that have done good, unto the resurrec- tion of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation" (John 1:21-29; I Cor. xv:22; Rev. xx: 12-15). (3) The resurrection will take place at "the last day," by which seems to be meant the close of the present world (John vi:39, 40, xi:24; I Thess. iv: 15). The Gnostics denied the resurrection of the body, and made the change a purely spiritual one. The Catholic be- lief was greatly developed by Tertullian, Jerome, and Augustine, who, however, insisted that the resurrection body, though identical with the original one, is a glorified body. A third view, rep- resented in ancient times by Origen, and recently by Rothe, affirms that the spirit must always have a bodily organism, and that the perfected personality nec- essarily assumes a spiritualized embodi- ment; in this view resurrection is lim- ited to perfected spirits. RESURRECTION, CONGREGATION OF THE, a society of Roman Catholic priests founded in Rome in 1836. RESZKE, EDOUARD DE. Reszke, Edouard. See De RESZKE, JEAN DE. Jean. See De Rbszke, RETAINER, a preliminary fee paid to a counsel to secure his services, or rather to prevent the other side from securing them. A special retainer is a fee paid to secure the services of counsel for a particular case. A general re- tainer is a fee paid to secure a priority of claim on a counsel's services for any cause which the party paying the fee may have for trial. RETAINING WALL, a wall erected to maintain a bank of earth in position, as in sunk fences, faces of earthworks, railway cuttings, sea-walls, etc.; strictly speaking, a wall erected to hold an arti- ficial bank in upright or nearly upright position. RETENTION, in law, a lien; the right of withholding a debt or of retain- ing property till a debt due to the person claiming this right be duly paid. RBTIARIUS, in Roman antiquities a gladiator wearing only a short tunic and carrying a trident and net, with which he endeavored to entangle and dispatch his adversary, who was armed with hel- met, shield, and sword. RETINA, the net-like expansion of the optic nerve, lying between the black pigment and the vitreous humor of the eye. It is the only part immediately concerned in the act of sensation. RETORT, a vessel in whose chamber an object is subjected to distillation or decomposition by heat, a neck conduct- ing off the volatile products. The retort of the chemical laboratory is a vessel of RETORT A— Adapter. F— Flask. R— Retort. glass, platinum, porcelain, or other mate- rial. It is bottle-shaped, having a long neck attached, in which the products of the distillation are condensed, and from which they pass into the receiver. The retort of the gas works is a cylinder or segment of a cylinder, formed of clay or iron. RETREAT, a military operation, in which an army retires before an enemy; properly, an orderly march, in which circumstance it differs from a flight. Also a military signal given in the army by beat of drum or sound of trumpet at sunset, or for retiring from exercise or from action. In Church usage, a period of retirement to a religious house, for self-examination, meditation, and prayer. Retreats commonly last either three or seven days, and are conducted by a cleric, who delivers addresses daily. They are in use both in the Roman and among the High Church party, in the Anglican Church. RETRIEVER, a breed of dog, trained, as the name implies, to find out and bring back any killed or wounded game. The two varieties of retriever differ only in coat; the curly coat should curl closely and firmly all over the body, the wavy coat should fall straight and thick. RETROGRADE, in botany, a term used of hairs on a plant, and meaning bent back or down.