Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 09.djvu/327

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TEAL 275 TECHNICAL EDUCATION ter. The common teal, Q. crecca, is plentiful in most parts of Europe; length is about 14 inches, head of male brown- ish-red, the body transversely undulated with dusky lines, white line above and an- other below the eye, speculum black and green. It nests on the margins of lakes or rivers, collecting a mass of vegetable matter, lining it with down, and laying 8 or 10 eggs. The flesh is extremely del- icate, and the bird might be advantage- ously introduced into the poultry yard. Q. circia is the garganey, or summer teal; Q. carolinensis, the green-winged teal of the United States, closely resem- bles the common teal, but has a white crescent in front of the bend of the wings ; Q. discors, with the same habitat, is the blue-winged teal. Aix galericulata the Mandarin duck, is sometimes called the Chinese teal. TEASEL, in botany, the genus Dipsac- us. About 150 species are known, na- tives of the temperate parts of the Old World and of America. This order con- sists of herbaceous and half -scrubby ex- ogenous plants with opposite or whorled leaves, and flowers in heads. The only valuable species of the order, D. fullon- um, fuller's teasel, is four feet high, the bracts hooked, the flowers oval, pale pur- ple or whitish. It is probably only a va- riety of D. sylvestris. It grows best in a stiff loam. The crooked awns or chaffs are fixed around the circumference of large broad wheels or cylinders, and woolen cloth is held against them. They raise a nap on it which is afterward cut level. A piece of fine broadcloth re- quires 1,500 or 2,000 of them to bring out the nap, after which the teasels are broken and useless. Steel substitutes for teasels have been tried, but ineffect- ually; they are not sufficiently pliant, and tear the fine fibers of the cloth. Also in mechanics and cloth manufacture, any contrivance used as a substitute for tea- sels in the dressing of woolen cloth. TEASDALE, SARA (Mrs. ErnST B. Filsinger), an American author, born at St. Louis, Mo., 1884. She was edu- cated at private schools in St. Louis, and is a member of the Poetry Society of America and the St. Louis Artists' Guild. Her works include: "Sonnets to Duse, and Other Poems"; "Helen of Troy, and Other Poems"; "Rivers to the Sea"; "Love Songs." She has also been editor of "The Answering Voice" and "One Hundred Love Lyrics by Women." She received the Columbia University-Poetry Society of America prize awarded in 1917 to "Love Songs." TECHNOLOGY, the science which treats of the arts, more particularly the mechanical. It is properly the science of the arts. Its object is not itself, i. e., the practice of art, but the principles which guide or underlie art, and by con- scious or unconscious obedience to which the artist secures his ends. In its ordi- nary acceptation, however, it includes only the utilitarian arts, and in fact only some of these. Painting, sculpture, mu- sic, poetry, do not come within its sphere. TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Techni- cal education as the term is now used is a branch of professional education. The name itself might properly include military education, agricultural educa- tion, or industrial education. But these branches have their own specific designa- tions, and it is only with the last named that technical education is likely to be confused. And yet there is a difference. Industrial education looks to increasing the efficiency of human effort in produc- ing material goods. It develops skill of hand without rising to the dignity of a profession. It teaches trades, it estab- lishes manual training schools, it takes the workman from his task and patiently shows him a better way of working. It is fostered by the Federal Government, by the states, by cities, and by private corporations. Technical education looks to the higher training of the individual. It is based on scientific study. It begins with fun- damental branches, as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, and proceeds to apply these to the problems of daily life. It stimulates the discovery of new truth, but more constantly the new ap- plication of old truth. It is engineering education in the widest possible use of that term. In its beginnings it was ele- mentary, but there was a constant effort to elevate the study into the rank of the learned professions. This effort was furthered by the intimate relation ex- isting between the mechanic arts and the fundamental sciences. This made the en- gineer a student. There was and is no easy road into the profession of en- gineering. The first engineering school, after- ward called the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, was opened in 1825 at Troy, N. Y., through the generous aid of Stephen van Rensselaer. Mr. van Rens- selaer was a Harvard graduate and keenly alive to industrial development. He was familiar with the Fellenberg School at Hofwyl, Switzerland, a kind of manual training school for the poor. He stated the aim of his new school to be the insti'uction of persons "in the appli- cation of science to the common pur- poses of life." Prior to this time there seems to have been no conception of en-