Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 09.djvu/544

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TREATY 474 TREATY where equal opportunities for trade will be allowed to all members; certain abuses, such as trade in slaves, arms, and liq- uor will be prohibited, and the construc- tion of military and naval bases and the introduction of compulsory military training will be disallowed. (c) Other communities, such as South- west Africa and the South Pacific Islands, but administered under the laws of the mandatory as integral portions of its ter- ritory. In every case the mandatory will render an annual report, and the degree of its authority will be defined. GENERAL INTERNATIONAL PROVISIONS Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of international conventions, existing or hereafter to be agreed upon, the members of the League will in gen- eral endeavor, through the international organization established by the Labor Convention, to secure and maintain fair conditions of labor for men, women and children in their own countries and other countries, and undertake to secure just treatment of the native inhabitants of territories under their control; they will entrust the League with the general su- pervision over the execution of agree- ments for the suppression of traffic in women and children, &c.; and the control of the trade in arms and ammunition with countries in which control is neces- sary; they will make provision for free- dom of communication and transit and equitable treatment for commerce of all members of the League, with special ref- erence to the necessities of regions dev- astated during the war; and they will endeavor to take steps for international prevention and control of disease. Inter- national bureaus and commissions al- ready established will be placed under the League, as well as those to be estab- lished in the future. AMENDMENTS TO THE COVENANT Amendments to the covenant will take effect when ratified by the Council and by a majority of the Assembly. SECTION II BOUNDARIES OF GERMANY Germany cedes to France Alsace-Lor- raine, 5,600 square miles to the south- west, and to Belgium two small districts between Luxemburg and Holland, total- ing 382 square miles. She also cedes to Poland the southeastern tip of Silesia beyond and including Oppeln, most of Posen, and West Prussia, 27,686 square miles. East Prussia being isolated from the main body by a part of Poland. She loses sovereignty over the northeastern tip of East Prussia, 40 square miles north of the river Memel, and the in- ternationalized areas about Danzig, 729 square miles, and the Basin of the Sarre, 738 square miles, between the west- ern border of the Rhenish Palatinate of Bavaria and the southeast corner of Luxemburg. The Danzig area consists of the V between the Nogat and Vistula Rivers made a W by the addition of a similar V on the west, including the city of Danzig. The southeastern third of East Prussia and the area between East Prussia and the Vistula north of latitude 53 degrees 3 minutes is to have its na- tionality determined by popular vote, 5,785 square miles, as is to be the case in part of Schleswig, 2,787 square miles. SECTION III BELGIUM Germany is to consent to the abroga- tion of the treaties of 1839, by which Bel- gium was established as a neutral State, and to agree in advance to any conven- tion with which the allied and associated Powers may determine to replace them. She is to recognize the full sovereignty of Belgium over the contested territory of Moresnet and over part of Prussian Mo- resnet, and to renounce in favor of Bel- gium all rights over the circles of Eupen and Malmedy, the inhabitants of which are to be entitled within six months to protest against this change of sovereign- ty either in whole or in part, the final decision to be reserved to the League of Nations. A commission is to settle the details of the frontier, and various regu- lations for change of nationality are laid down. LUXEMBURG Germany renounces her various trea- ties and conventions with the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, recognizes that it ceased to be a part of the German Zoll- verein from January first, last, renounces all right of exploitation of the railroads, adheres to the abrogation of its neutral- ity, and accepts in advance any interna- tional agreement as to it reached by the allied and associated powers. LEFT BANK OF THE RHINE As provided in the military clauses, Germany will not maintain any fortifi- cations or armed forces less than fifty kilometers to the east of the Rhine, hold any manoeuvres, nor maintain any works to facilitate mobilization. In case of vio- lation, "she shall be regarded as commit- ting a hostile act against the Powers who sign the present treaty and as in- tending to disturb the peace of the world." "By virtue of the present treaty, Germany shall be bound to respond to any request for an explanation which the