Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 09.djvu/547

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TREATY 477 TREATY ?owers, and one each by Germany and oland. A convention, the terms of which shall be fixed by the principal allied and asso- ciated powers, shall be concluded between Poland and Danzig, which shall include Danzig within the Polish customs fron- tiers, though a free area in the port; in- sure to Poland the free use of all the city's waterways, docks and other port facilities, the control and administration of the Vistula and the whole through railway system within the city, and pos- tal, telegraphic and telephonic communi- cation between Poland and Danzig; pro- vide against discrimination against Poles within the city, and place its for- eign relations and the diplomatic protec- tion of its citizens abroad in charge of Poland. DENMARK The frontier between Germany and Denmark will be fixed by the self-deter- mination of the population. Ten days from the peace German troops and au- thorities shall evacuate the region N. of the line running from the mouth of the Schlei, S. of Kappel, Schleswig, and Friedrichstadt along the Eider to the North Sea S. of Tonning; the Workmen's and Soldiers' Councils shall be dissolved, and the territory administered by an in- ternational commission of five, of whom Norway and Sweden shall be invited to name two. The commission shall insure a free and secret vote in three zones. That between the German-Danish frontier and a line running S. of the Island of Alsen, N. of Flensburg, and S. of Tondern to the North Sea, N. of the Island of Sylt, will vote as a unit within three weeks after the evacuation. Within five weeks after this vote the second zone, whose boundary runs from the North sea S. of the Island of Fehr to the Baltic S. of Sygum, will vote by communes. Two weeks after that vote the third zone, running to the limit of evacuation, will also vote by com- munes. The international commission will then draw a new frontier on the basis of these plebiscites and with due regard for geographical and economic conditions. Germany will renounce all sovereignty over territories N. of this line in favor of the associated govern- ments, who will hand them over to Den- mark. HELIGOLAND The fortifications, military establish- ments, and harbors of the Islands of Heli- goland and Dune are to be destroyed un- der the supervision of the Allies by Ger- man labor and at Germany's expense. They may not be reconstructed, nor any similar fortifications built in the future. EE RUSSL Germany agrees to respect as perma- nent and inalienable the independency of all territories which were part of the former Russian empire, to accept the ab- rogation of the Brest-Litovsk and other treaties entered into with the Maximalist government of Russia, to recognize the full force of all treaties entered into by the allied and associated powers with states which were a part of the former Russian empire, and to recognize the frontiers as determined thereon. The al- lied and associated powers formally re- serve the right of Russia to obtain resti- tution and reparation on the principles of the present treaty. SECTION V. GERMAN RIGHTS OUTSIDE EUROPE Outside Europe, Germany renounces all rights, titles, and privileges as to her own or her allies' territories to all the allied and associated powers, and under- takes to accept whatever measures are taken by the five allied powers in rela- tion thereto. COLONIES AND OVERSEAS POSSESSIONS Germany renounces in favor of the al- lied and associated powers her overseas possessions with all rights and titles therein. All movable and immovable property belonging to the German em- pire, or to any German state, shall pass to the government exercising authority therein. These governments may make whatever provisions seem suitable for the repatriation of German nationals and as to the conditions on which German sub- jects of European origin shall reside, hold property, or carry on business. Ger- many undertakes to pay reparation for damage suffered by French nationals in the Cameroons or its frontier zone through the acts of German civil and military authorities and of individual Germans from the 1st of Jan., 1900, to the 1st of August, 1914. Germany re- nounces all rights under the convention of the 4th of Nov., 1911, and the 29th of Sept., 1912, and undertakes to pay to France in accordance with an estimate presented and approved by the Repatria- tion Commission all deposits, credits, ad- vances, etc., thereby secured. Germany undertakes to accept and observe any provisions by the allied and associated powers as to the trade in arms and spirits in Africa as well as to the General Act of Berlin of 1885 and the General Act of Brussels of 1890. Diplomatic protec- tion to inhabitants of former German colonies is to be given by the governments exercising authority. Cyc. Vol. IX