Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 09.djvu/558

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TREAT'S 488 TREATY the whole or part of her obligations, either during the occupation or after the fifteen years have expired, the whole or part of the areas specified will be reoc- cupied immediately. If before the ex- piration of the fifteen years Germany complies with all the treaty undertakings, the occupying forces will be withdrawn. All German troops at present in terri- tories to the east of the new frontier shall return as soon as the allied and associated governments deem wise. They are to abstain from all requisitions and are in no way to interfere with meas- ures for national defense taken by the Government concerned. All questions regarding occupation not provided for by the treaty will be regu- lated by a subsequent convention or con- ventions which will have similar force and effect. SECTION XV. MISCELLANEOUS Germany agrees to recognize the full validity of the treaties of peace and ad- ditional conventions to be concluded by the allied and associated powers with the powers allied with Germany, to agree to the decisions to be taken as to the terri- tories of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, and to recognize the new States in the frontiers to be fixed. Germany agrees not to put forward any pecuniary claims against any allied or associated power signing the present treaty based on events previous to the coming into force of the treaty. Germany accepts all decrees as to German ships and goods made by any allied or associateed prize court. The Allies reserve the right to examine all decisions of German prize courts. The present treaty, of which the French and British texts are both authentic, shall be ratified and the depositions of ratifica- tions made in Paris as soon as possible. The treaty is to become effective in all respects for each power on the date of deposition of its ratification. TREATY OF ST. GERMAIN, SUMMARY On June 2 there had been handed to the Austrian delegates a preliminary treaty which covered certain points, but left others to be dealt with later. Austria must accept the covenant of the league of nations and the labor char- ter. She must renounce all her extra Eu- ropean rights. She mtist demobilize all her naval and aerial forces. Austria must recognize the complete independence ot Hungary. Austrian nationals, guilty of violating international laws of war, to be tried by the Allies. Austria must accept economic con- ditions and freedom of transit similar to those in German treaty. Sections dealing with war prisoners and graves are identical with German treaty. Guarantees of execution of treaty cor- responds to those in German pact. Boundaries of Bohemia and Moravia to form boundary between Austria and Czecho-Slovakia, with minor rectifica- tions. Allies later to fix southern boundary (referring to Jugoslavia). Eastern boundary Marburg and Rad- kersburg to Jugoslavia. Western and northwestern frontiers (facing Bavaria and Switzerland) un- changed. Austria must recognize independence of Czecho-Slovakia and Jugoslavia. Austria is recognized as an independent republic under the name "Republic of Austria." Austria must recognize frontiers of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Ru- mania, Czecho-Slovakia and Jugoslavia as at present or ultimately determined. Boundaries of Austria, Czecho-Slovakia and Jugoslavia to be finally fixed by mixed commissison. Czecho-Slovakia and Jugoslavia must agree to protect racial, religious and linguistic minorities. Both new Slav nations and Rumania must assure freedom of transit and equi- table treatment of foreign commerce. Austria must recognize full independ- ence of all territories formerly a part of Russia. Brest-Litovsk treaty is annulled. All treaties with Russian elements con- cluded since revolution annulled. Allies reserve right of restitution for Russia from Austria. Austria must consent to abrogation of treaties of 1839 establishing Belgian neu- trality. Austria must agree to new Belgian boundaries as fixed by Allies. Similar provisions with respect to neu- trality and boundaries of Luxemburg. Austria must accept allied disposition of any Austrian rights in Turkey and Bulgaria. She must accept allied arrangements with Germany regarding Schleswig-Hol- stein. Austrian nations of all races, lan- guages and religions equal before the lav.