Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 10.djvu/442

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WILSON 382 WILSON studied law at the University of Virginia (1879-1881) and practiced for a year at Atlanta, Ga. (1881-2). Thence he went to Johns Hopkins University, where he studied political science (1883-5), taking the degree of Ph. D. (1886) with an un- usually brilliant thesis. The next twenty-five years of his life (1885-1910) were spent almost entirely in educational work, although he always took an active interest in public affairs. From 1885 to 1888 he was associate professor of his- tory and political econo'.ny at Bryn Mawr; from 1888 to 1890 professor of the same subjects at Wesleyan; and from 1890 to 1910 he was on the faculty of Princeton University; from 1890 to 1895 as professor of jurispru- dence and political economy; from 1895 to 1897 as professor of jurisprudence; from 1897 to 1910 as professor of jurispru- dence and politics. From 1902 to 1910 he ' was president of Princeton, being the first layman to occupy that position. During his presidency some notable reforms were brought about in the college, chief among them the introduction of the preceptorial system. Mr, Wilson set his mind so firmly on improving the scholas- tic standards of Princeton that among certain of the alumni it was said that he was trying to turn the dear old college into a confounded educational institution. His attempt to change the "club" system and other efforts to make Princeton more democratic led to much friction; and it is no secret that he gladly availed himself of the opportunity honorably to withdraw when on Sept. 15, 1910, there was offered to him the Democratic nom- ination for governor of New Jersey. Mr. Wilson's entrance into public life was by no means unusual or sensational. He had for many years given expression to his views on public affairs and had been known as one of the most progres- sive and thoughtful leaders in the Demo- cratic party. He conducted the campaign in a forceful and high-toned manner, and was elected governor by the large plurality of 49,056, although in 1908 the Republicans had carried the State by more than 82,000. He was governor of New Jersey from Jan. 17, 1911, to March 1, 1913. In this office Wilson carried through some admirable reform measures including the direct primary law, cor- rupt practices act, a reorganization of the school system of the State, and a model employers' liability law. But per- haps the most noteworthy feature of his administration was the better control of corporations through the bills popularly known as the "Seven Sisters," Some of these laws have been copied by other States. In 1911 there were many indications that Governor Wilson was being seriously considered as a Presidential candidate; and during the next year his candidacy got much popular support. On July 2, 1912, in Baltimore, in one of the most spectacular conventions ever held by the Democratic party, on the 46th ballot Woodrow Wilson received the nomination. Thomas R. Marshall, of Indiana, was nominated for Vice President. The dis- ruption of the Republican party by the Progressive movement caused Governor Wilson to receive an extraoi'dinary majority in the electoral college. He re- ceived 435 electoral votes; Roosevelt had 88; and Taft 8. In the popular vote Wilson had 6,286,214; Roosevelt, 4,126,- 020; Taft, 3,483,922. Wilson was inaugurated March 4, 1913, with a Democratic majority in both branches of Congress. The first year of his administration was mai'ked by the passage of much important legislation, notably the revision of the tariff by the Underwood-Simmons bill, and the reform of the currency by the Federal Reserve Act, probably, as the "Banker's Maga- zine" said, "the most comprehensive piece of banking legislation ever enacted in this country." In the realm of foreign af- fairs the President had to face in the first months of his term grave problems in the Philippine Islands and in Mexico. In the former, where there was much un- rest, he labored with some success for conciliation and harmony. The Mexican situation was one of great complexity. Wilson refused to recognize Huerta, while disavowing any desire to interfere with Mexico's affairs. He adopted the policy of "watchful waiting," but was obliged, owing to attacks made by Mexi- cans on Americans, to occupy Vera Cruz in April, 1914. Wilson promptly ac- cepted a proposal from Argentina, Brazil and Chile to mediate; and although the conference of the A, B, C powers at Niagara Falls, was without definite re- sult, it brought about better understand- ing. In July, 1914, Huerta left the country; in November, the American forces evacuated Vera Cruz, and Wil- son's policy accomplished much without plunging the country into war. The remaining two years of his first administration were mainly concerned with the issues raised by the World War. As soon as the war broke out, he tendered his good offices to any and all of the warring nations. Thence he was occupied for some months in preserving America's neutrality and at the same time in defending her rights. The years were very troubled ones, marked by the sinking of the "Lusitania," German plots.