Page:Collingwood - Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll.djvu/456

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  1. "The Enunciations of Euclid, Books I. and II." Oxford: Printed at the University Press
  2. "General List of (Mathematical) Subjects, and Cycle for Working Examples." Oxford: Printed at the University Press
  3. "Croquet Castles." (A new game invented by the Rev. C. L. Dodgson). London (?) Pp. 4. (Reprinted, with additions and alterations, in 1866 at Oxford.)
  4. "The New Examination Statute." (A letter to the Vice-Chancellor.) Pp. 2, 4to. Oxford
  5. "A Guide to the Mathematical Student in Reading, Reviewing, and Working Examples." By Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Part I. Pure Mathematics. Oxford: Parker. Two leaves and pp. 27, 8vo. Stitched, is
  6. "The Dynamics of a Parti-cle, with an Excursus on the New Method of Evaluation as applied to π." Oxford: Vincent. Pp. 28, 8vo. (Three editions)
  7. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." By Lewis Carroll, with forty-two illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan. Pp. 192, cr. 8vo. Cloth, gilt edges. 6s
  8. The 1st edition (recalled) was printed in Oxford, and is very rare; all subsequent editions (1865 onwards) by Richard Clay in London. Now in its 86th thousand. [People's Edition, price 2s. 6d.; first published in 1887. Now in its 70th thousand.]
  9. "Condensation of Determinants," being a new and brief method for computing their arithmetical values. By the Rev. C. L. Dodgson. From "The Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 84, 1866." London: Taylor and Francis. Pp. 8, 8vo.
  10. "An Elementary Treatise on Determinants." London: