Page:Collodi - The Story of a Puppet, translation Murray, 1892.djvu/149

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'And my mamma? . . .'

'Mammas know nothing,' answered those bad little boys.

'Do you know what I will do?' said Pinocchio. 'I have reasons for wishing to see the Dog-fish, but I will go and see him when school is over.'

'Poor donkey!' exclaimed one of the number. 'Do you suppose that a fish of that size will wait your convenience? As soon as he is tired of being here he will start for another place, and then it will be too late.'

'How long does it take from here to the shore?' asked the puppet.

'We can be there and back in an hour.'

'Then away!' shouted Pinocchio, 'and he who runs fastest is the best!'

Having thus given the signal to start, the boys, with their books and copy-books under their arms, rushed off across the fields, and Pinocchio was always the first—he seemed to have wings to his feet.

From time to time he turned to jeer at his companions, who were some distance behind, and seeing them panting for breath, covered with dust and their tongues hanging out of their mouths, he laughed heartily. The unfortunate boy little knew what terrors and horrible disasters he was going to meet with! . . .