Page:Collodi - The Story of a Puppet, translation Murray, 1892.djvu/29

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Having arrived at the house he found the street door ajar. He pushed it open, went in, and having secured the latch threw himself seated on the ground and gave a great sigh of satisfaction.

But his satisfaction did not last long, for he heard some one in the room who was saying:


'Who calls me?' said Pinocchio in a fright.

'It is I!'

Pinocchio turned round and saw a big cricket crawling slowly up the wall.

'Tell me, Cricket, who may you be?'

'I am the Talking-cricket, and I have lived in this room a hundred years and more.'

'Now, however, this room is mine,' said the puppet, 'and if you would do me a pleasure go away at once, without even turning round.'

'I will not go,' answered the Cricket, 'until I have told you a great truth.'

'Tell it me, then, and be quick about it.'

'Woe to those boys who rebel against their parents, and run away capriciously from home. They will never come to any good in the world, and sooner or later they will repent bitterly.'

'Sing away, Cricket, as you please, and as long as you please. For me, I have