Page:Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.djvu/698

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a little beyond the pore?. Odour like that of Agaricus ulmarius; it exudes a yellowish juice from the pores when fresh. Gathered by Miss Rackett in August, 1810.


BOLETUS fusco-albus.

Stipes thickest at the base, with a few fibres; often clumsy, sometimes tapering, with dark brown ruggedly reticulated flecked sides; white or brownish beneath; inside white, sometimes changing to brown, or even black on exposure by cutting in the air, especially if in a tender state or bruised. Pores in a thick mass, rounding from the stipes, nearly white; single pores fine, often scarcely discernible. Pileus rounding, rather thick, light or dark brown. The larger specimen was gathered by Miss Rackett in Dorsetshire, and the smaller ones I gathered in Hainault Forest, where I saw larger ones, but not good specimens.


BOLETUS rugosus.

I first received this species from my Friend, James Brodie, Esq. found near Forres, and since from Miss Fanshaw, who has made an excellent drawing, showing pretty tints of lilac and light purple. It is, however, chiefly whitish and corky, solid, and the ragged parts lightish brown, or having a scorched appearance. There rugged parts seem to be the partly concentrating and sometimes divaricating edges of the plant, owing to its mode of growth: towards the base it is rudely forked, and of a dark colour, mingled with the mould.


BOLETUS irregularius

Found growing on pine leaves near Brodie house, by Forres, by .James Brodie, Esq. to who=e friendship I am so much indebted. Pores small, shallow, and irregularly placed in hollows under the thin, irregular, but plainer surface. Pileus bluntly lobed, and placed one part over another, inosculating, and forming sinuses and arches, tiles and cups, and otherwise sportive, with some concentric risings, smooth, not shining, some parts downy; edges and under side fawn-coloured.