Page:Come under my plaidie (1).pdf/7

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Do not dream of sic stories, but come up behind me,
Ere Phoebus go round my Sweet beide thou shalt be,
This night in my arms I'll daut you sae kindly,
She smiled and consented, I took her wi me.

Now years hae gane round since we hae busked together
And seasons hae changed, but nae changes wi me
She's always as gay as the fine summer weather
When the sun's at his height on the hills of Glenshee.

To meet wi' my Jeanie away I would venture,
She's sweet as the echo that rings o er the lee
She's spotless and pure as the robes in the winter
When laid out to bleach on the hills of Glenshee


Tune—My lodging is on the cold ground.

I loo'd ne'er a laddie but ane,
He loo'd ne'er a lassie but me;
He's willing to mak me his ain,
And his ain I'm willing to be
He has cost me a rokelay o' blue,
And a pair o'mittens o' greeny
The price was a kiss o' my mou,
And I paid him the debt yestreen.