Page:Comedies of Publius Terentius Afer (1870).djvu/45

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Act III. Sc. 1.


Scene 1.—Mysis—Simo—Davus—Lesbia—Glycerium.

Mys. Pol! Lesbia, what you say is very true.
You may go far to find a faithful lover.

Sim. Is this the maiden of the Andrian?

Dav. Yes, yes.

Mys. But Pamphilus—this Pamphilus—

Sim. Eh, what?

Mys. Has kept his plighted troth.

Sim. Hem, hem.

Dav. Would either he were deaf, or they were mute.

Mys. And he has given commands to rear the babe.

Sim. O Jupiter! What is the thing I hear?
It's lost—if what she states is veritable.

Les. Now, by my credit, an ingenuous lad.

Mys. An excellent. Now follow me within;
Perchance my mistress needs you.

Les. Come away.

Dav. Davus, how now, how remedy this freak?

Sim. Is it credible—I ask, now—credible?
What, from a stranger? Ah! now, I perceive—
Ah, what a dunce am I!

Dav. What does he say?

Sim. It is that rascal's villany, to feign
This parturition; there is no such thing—
Only to frighten Chremes.

Gly. [Within.] Juno Lucina! help—help I beseech you!

Sim. Oh, oh! directly—quite absurd—so soon

As I am at the doorway—cry away.