Page:Comedies of Terence (Riley 1853).djvu/14

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XV. The Grasshopper and the Owl

XVI. The Trees under the Protection of the Gods ....

XVII. The Peacock to Juno

XVIII. Esop's Answer to the Inquisitive Man


Book IV.


Fable I. The Ass and the Priests of Cybele ....

II. The Weasel and the Mice

III. The Fox and the Grapes

IV. The Horse and the Wild Boar

V. Esop interpreting a Will ....

VI. The Battle of the Mice and the Weasels

VII. The Poet's Defence against the Censurers of his Fables

VIII. The Viper and the File

IX. The Fox and the Goat

X. Of the Vices of Men

XI. A Thief pillaging the Altar of Jupiter

XII. Hercules and Plutus

XIII. The Lion reigning

XIV. Prometheus ....

XV. The She-Goats and their Beards

XVI. The Pilot and the Mariners

XVII. The Embassy of the Dogs to Jupiter

XVIII. The Man and the Snake

XIX. The Fox and the Dragon

XX. Phsedrus

XXI. The Shipwreck of Simonides ....

XXII. The Mountain in Labour

XXIII. The Ant and the Fly

XXIV. Simonides preserved by the Gods Epilogue

Book V.


Fable I. Demetrius and Menander

II. The Travellers and the Robber

III. The Bald Man and the Fly

IV. The Man and the Ass

V. The Buffoon and Countryman

VI. The Two Bald Men

VII. Princeps the Flute Player

VIII. The Emblem of Opportunity

IX. The Bull and the Calf

X. The Huntsman and the Dog ....