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counsel's investigation, I will have to instruct the witness not to answer the questions.

Mr. Gowdy. He can't answer whether Chris Steele was the original source for all of the information in the Steele dossier?

Ms. Bessee. To the extent it goes into --

Mr. Gowdy. I didn't mention the phrase "special counsel."

Ms. Bessee. I know you have not, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Gowdy. I'm just asking the former Director of the FBI, who received information from a source, whether that source had knowledge of the underlying accuracy of that information or whether the source was relying on other sources. I don't know how that implicates anything Bob Mueller's doing.

Ms. Bessee. If the source relies on other information, because this is all part of an ongoing investigation, it may impact --

Mr. Gowdy. How?

Ms. Bessee. Why don't we have the witness -- if it impacts the investigation, because the witness has knowledge as to whether it would or not, he may not be able to answer the question. So I will have the witness --

Mr. Gowdy. That's a different answer if he doesn't -- if he doesn't have recollection.

Do you know whether Chris Steele relied on sources and subsources to compile the information that ultimately made it to the FBI?